
TaylorMade Market  is a personal blog owned, written and edited by myself, Andrea Taylor. It is based entirely upon my own personal opinions and all content is my own, unless stated otherwise. The FTC requires full disclosure of my relationship with brands when writing about a product.

From time to time, I do receive compensation for creating recipes and reviewing products; however, compensation will never influence the opinions I share. I promote only products and brands that I believe in and consider of value to my readers and relevant to my blog.

Copyright and Attribution

Content found throughout this site is public information; however, all information including text, recipes, photographs, etc. is copyrighted and registered with myfreecopyright.com. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material (text, images, etc.) without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.

You are welcome to feature content (such as linking to a recipe) on your site. Attribution by providing a direct link back to the original content on TaylorMade Market is required, and content may not be reproduced. If you have any questions, please email me at andrea@taylormademarket.com or via the site’s Contact Form to discuss specifics and ensure you are adhering to copyright requirements and site policies.

Privacy Policy

I will never share your email address or other private information with anyone without your permission. Your email address is required to leave a comment, but will never be shared or displayed. When you leave comments on the site, they are publically displayed, so please don’t include any private information in your comments. All email updates you choose to receive from this site allow you to opt out of future mailings.

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Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like additional information, please email me at andrea@taylormademarket.com or via the site’s Contact Form.

I retain the right to change and/or update these policies at anytime.

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For information about opting out of Gourmet Ads and ad serving partners please visit http://www.gourmetads.com/about/privacy-policy

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