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Summer Rolls, Spring Rolls & See through burritos

Summer rolls vs spring rolls – TYPICALLY Summer rolls are fresh & spring rolls are fried.

HOWEVER, just google spring roll, you will find hundreds of these “unfried spring rolls” called Vietnamese spring rolls aka summer rolls.

My youngest son calls these – “see through burritos“. Whatever you choose to call them, these rolls are healthy & delicious.

I serve these with a yummy peanut sauce.

Summer Rolls, Spring Rolls & See through burritos with Thai Peanut Sauce


  • Rice Paper Wrappers
  • Veggie Fillings- Asparagus, carrots, cucumber, cabbage, avocado, rice noodles, bean sprouts, cilanto, mint, lettuce, sweet colored peppers, shrimp
  • Thai Peanut sauce:
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tsp. thai red curry paste
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. peanut butter
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 can coconut milk


  1. Dip one rice paper in warm water until pliable but still firm.. DO NOT SOAK.
  2. Lay rice paper flat and fill with veggies. Roll the bottom and tuck in the sides. (Just like a burrito)
  3. Repeat.
  4. For the sauce: In a small sauce pan heat sesame oil. Fry curry paste & sugar stirring 20 seconds. Add peanut butter, lime juice and coconut milk. Stir to combine. Heat through and serve with summer rolls.

So what is it?  Basically fresh vegetables wrapped in rice paper which happens to be great for a refreshing appetizer or light lunch.

These are my youngest sons absolute favorite food and a guaranteed way I can get him to eat some veggies.  WITHOUT COMPLAINING!!!

Traditionally these rolls are served with a light soy type dipping sauce or a sweet chili sauce.. The rice paper wrap is already so light & refreshing that I like it with a rich creamy sauce to compliment it.  Serve it up however you like. These are great for parties and can be made to fit all types of dietary needs. Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian & Gluten Free.

White on Rice Couple did a beautiful job of creating a step-by-step tutorial with stunning photo’s  you can see here: HOW TO ROLL FRESH SPRING ROLLS

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